Why Building Muscle Is Essential For Both Men and Women

How much does the amount of muscle you carry impact your performance and quality of life?

This has been and always will be a topic of importance for health-conscious individuals such as yourself (otherwise you wouldn't be reading this).

There are tremendous short and long-term benefits to carrying more muscle, and today I'm going to share 3 reasons why you should be approaching building muscle with more enthusiasm and how you can go about doing it.

1. High Muscle Content Is A Preventative Measure Against Obesity, Neurodegenerative Disease, Metabolic Disease, And Cardiovascular Disease

We're all on the same track toward death (it's not always pleasant, but it helps to think about this every now and again).

This means our time is not only limited, but we're also statistically becoming less and less able to confront lifestyle challenges with energy and passion as we age.

Having a lean build (high muscle content, low body fat content) is the #1 way to stave off this decline and live longer, better.

2. It's The Requisite To Moving Well As You Age

Nobody wants to be a "has been," yet many of us hold onto the "good old times" when we were more athletic, stronger, and looked better.

Don't be satisfied by your past achievements, it's gone and it no longer serves you outside of nostalgia.

Instead, make now and forever the existing "good old times" by pursuing a healthy, vibrant, and active lifestyle that includes building and maintaining muscle through well-established training, nutrition, and lifestyle habits.

3. It Improves Your Self-Image

Deep down, we all know the truth of our situations.

If in our mind we know that we could do better at becoming leaner, completing our workouts, and taking care of ourselves ... and we're not following through, it creates stress and devalues our self-image.

"Am I not someone that lives lean? That follows through on what they know they should do?"

Building muscle not only has tremendous health benefits, but it also makes us feel better about how we look and how we earn it through hard work. That is one hell of a thing to be proud of and an absolute positive force for having a more robust self-image.

There is good reason for you to show concern over how much lean muscle you carry. So if you're not satisfied with where you're currently at, what can you do about it?

1. Audit and elevate your health and fitness by working with a professional coach.

2. Increase your intensity in the gym, i.e., progressively overload properly (even better under the supervision of a coach).

3. Fuel your body with the best foods on the market and prioritize your protein intake (start with 80% of your goal body weight, then work up to matching your body weight).


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